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Law Dissertation Help

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Law Assignment Help

Law is a set of rules and regulations to be abided by citizens of the countries/state. It is formulated by the government but enforced by other agencies. The law of a country moulds the economy, business operations, politics, and society in various ways. It is categorized in two ways, i.e., public law and private law. The public deals with constitutional, administrative, and criminal law while private is concerned with contract, property, tort, and commercial law. In democratic countries these laws are first introduced in parliament for debate and decision is made whether to enforce or not. In the bicameral system, it is necessary to get approval from both parliament/houses. Our writers provide the most affordable and genuine Law Dissertation Help.

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    The study of law is associated with every aspect of human life, whether it is business, politics, environment, social structure, or economics; hence it provides abundant opportunities to select a problem and draft a dissertation.

    Private Law

    It involves the relationship between individuals and is part of the civil law legal system. It differs from public law, which deals with individuals and organizations where private law copes up with disputes of individuals. The fields of private law are labour law, transport law, property law, civil law, and family law.

    Public Law

    Public Law controls the interaction of organization, individual, and government. These relations are asymmetrical because the decisions of government directly affect the citizens while, if citizens are unsatisfied with the government, they are required to file PIL. This law consists of criminal, administrative, procedural, tax, and constitutional law.

    Constitutional Law

    Constitutional Law is a set of laws that decide the authorities and responsibilities of the state and the central government. It also determines the power of the judiciary, legislature, parliament, and rights of the citizen. These powers allow the government to make decisions such as tax collection, practice curfew, build infrastructure, and other decisions related to the nation’s security.

    Criminal Law

    It defines the kind of conduct that is considered an offense. It includes actions that can jeopardize the health, property, safety, and moral welfare. If a person is guilty of violating these laws, they could be jailed for a longer period. Before declaring the punishment, criminals are given ample opportunities to prove themselves innocent.

    Property Law

    Property Law controls the activity of buying, selling, and renting properties. Here, property means real estate as well as intellectual property. If any individual or organization breaches the terms of the contract, you can sue them under tort law. The selling and renting of the property fall under contract law. 

    International Law

    International Law is formed when countries sign a number of treaties and agreements. It is further divided into two categories i.e., Private international law and Public international law. A common citizen never has to deal with international law unless they do business with MNC’s. United has a special committee known as the ‘Security Council’ that fosters the implementations of internal law.

    Corporate Law

    This law controls the right, relation, behaviour of a person, companies, and individual. It is also known as the company, enterprise, and business law. It governs the conduct of investors, shareholders, directors, investors, creditors, and consumers. This law has laid out the regulation of mergers, acquisitions, and insolvency. 

    Labor Law

    The role of Labor Law is to safeguard the rights of labor. It also prevents laborers’ exploitation; there are provisions to form a labor union in every organization that protects the interest of laborers. It moderates the relationship between a trade union, government, and employer. It notifies minimum wage, working hours per day, appraisal, and safety precautions to be taken (if the working atmosphere is hazardous.

    Administrative Law

    Administrative Law is the set of laws that administers local authority activities regarding enforcement, rule formation, and adjudication. It lay out the rules to be followed by government agencies. It is a sub-branch of public law, and it is also known as regulatory. This law is abided by the state as well as central/federal agencies.

    Methods Of Data Collection For Law Dissertation

    There are two methods of data collection; both of the methods have advantages and drawbacks, so look at all the aspects of the method before deciding. We advise you to select the data considering your subject of research and the deadline. Let’s understand in detail:

    Primary Source

    In this method, you have to interview some experts on the subject, ask them questions and know their opinions to get apt information. You can also use online tools, can create online polls or Google forms, and ask people to answer them with utmost sincerity. You can also collect data from magazines, periodicals, journals, newspapers, and subject related books. The advantage of primary data is that it will be raw, unprocessed, and authentic. It takes relatively longer to collect and is expensive too.

    Secondary Source

    In this method, you can obtain a set of information relatively faster and less costly too. The secondary data are governmental websites, census, private data collection agencies, web articles, blogs, video, and infographics. The solution obtained based on this data is not reliable because there is a chance of receiving manipulated data.

    Types Of Law Dissertation Research Designs

    Their many research designs while writing a law dissertation writing service, but most of them are classified into categories. You need to consider the accumulated data before selecting any model. The result of the dissertation will be derived from research design, so choose it carefully. 

    Quantitative Research Design

    In this research design, computable data can be assessed, such as probability, numeric data, and percentage. There are two methods to study these data: first is mathematical models which are manual and other is computer techniques. There open source as well as paid software available on the internet. 

    Qualitative Research Design

    This research design examines theoretical data such as observations, methods, dogma, belief systems, school of thought. Policies and philosophies. This method is simple yet effective. The result will rely on the interpretation of the assessor.

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      Structure Of Law Dissertation


      1) Title page – The initial step is the selection of the subject of the dissertation. This subject is to be written on the first page of the dissertation. Australian universities ask to write other details such as name, discipline, school, degree, and year of submission.

      2) Copyright Statement or Thesis declaration – This document is a testimonial of your statement that the dissertation you have drafted is unique, and no part is copied.

      3) Dedication – American universities offer an option to dedicate your thesis to your loved one or professors.

      4) Abstract – The maximum limit of the abstract is 700 words and must summarize the problem, motivation, and result of the law dissertation.

      5) Table of content – It is an index of law dissertation. 

      6) List of tables – If your law dissertation includes any table, then mention its page number and title in this table.

      7) List of illustration – If your law assignment has any graphical representation or infographics, mention them in this table along with the title.

      8) Acknowledgment – If you are studying at Australian university and have been the recipient of RTP scholarship or stipend, then it is mandatory to write the following sentence:

      “This research was supported by an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship”.

      9) Introduction – It contains the background of the research and explains the importance and critical aspects of the law dissertation. You should clearly specify the objectives, motivation, and variables of your thesis.

      10) Literature Review – You are expected to quote the studies you have referred to and criticize them if you wish. Limit this section 4000 words maximum.

      11) Research Methodology – Explain the data collection method you have opted for.Justify the methods with logical arguments.

      12) Results– This is dependent upon the type and quality of data you have accumulated. Use innovative techniques to explain the results.

      13) Discussion– Explain your results, justify them, and compare them with objectives. You can also summarize the problem you have solved, how it will affect the people and stakeholders.

      14) Conclusion– Explain your results clearly and ensure you have met all the criteria of the dissertation.

      15) Reference– Harvard system of referencing is preferred in British universities. 


      Why Choose Us


      High Quality Assignment Help have a dedicated team of editors who scrutinize the dissertation written by our writers and correct their mistakes. Our editors are also responsible for the formatting of assignments. They are well versed with Australian, American, and British standards of formatting of law dissertation writing services. We use the premium version of the latest web tools to find and rectify the mistakes. All our dissertations are curated for A+ grades. We have a special team of customer support executives; they are available 24/7 to assist you. Ping us now to get a freequotation for law dissertation help.

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