An essay is a brief explanation of an event, idea, notion, place, etc. It keeps forth an argument based on evidence, analysis, interpretation, or a research study. An essay writing service literally means flaunting a set of ideas supported by arguments with a view to persuade the readers. Most of the academic essays are linear so it explains one idea at once. It is important to present the ideas in logical order in such a manner it makes sense to the reader.
In academic syllabi, there are various kinds of essays like Argumentative, Expository, Descriptive, Compare and Contrast etc. Each essay has its own way of expressing ideas; structures of these types of essays vary. If you understand the art of building the structure of an essay then you can persuade the readers easily.
Before writing an essay, you are supposed to select the type essay. There are many types of essays but majorly it is classified into four main categories which are as follows:
Writing an essay is an intricate process, you have to sit and ponder deeply about the given subject. Here, we endeavoured to ease your task, read further to know!
1. Brainstorming for Title Selection
To select a title you need to think articulately to get the idea. Write down every thought that erupts in your mind. List them down. Filter out the irrelevant ones. You can also chart out a brain map for the selected idea.
2. Research
In case if you fall short of information you need to study the subject. You can visit nearby libraries, search online or ask people who have been exposed to this subject. Organize your research and retrieve it at the time of actual writing. It is important to cite the source of information otherwise it could lead to copyright issues.
3. Pen down the Thesis Statement
It is the foundation statement for your essay, the whole essay is based on this sentence. The thesis statement must be wide enough to write about it on the other hand it should not be thorough. In general practice, it is written in the introductory paragraph.
4. Decide the Outline of Essay
The outline of the essay is basically the readers’ journey. Your essay must be engaging, clearly written, well structured. Don’t mix two ideas in a single paragraph. Make sure the paragraph does not end abruptly. If it is possible, add stats, research study or facts that support the idea.
5. Write the Essay
When the outline is done, start writing the essay based on the plan. Begin from the structure and move towards a detailed description of the topic. It is necessary to re-read the essay to make sure it is coherent to the subject. Each paragraph should discuss independent ideas and in the end, every idea must unite with the topic.
Quick Tip: An introduction must possess a line that provokes thought of readers.
6. Check Grammar and Other Errors
When essay writing is done, re-read it and look for grammatical or other silly mistakes. Web tools are available to find and mitigate these kinds of errors. It is mandatory to cite the source of information. Use the method of formatting prescribed by the university.
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