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Typical Problems Faced In Doing CAD Software Assignments

Typical Problems Faced In Doing CAD Software Assignments

Computer-aided design, commonly known as CAD, is used by designers and engineers to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional models of physical components by using a computer. It is used to make drawings, prototypes, and analyses. There are two types of CAD software available in the market, i.e. parametric and other is non-parametric. You can either Software Assignment Help which is preferable for most students due to lack of practical knowledge or avoid these problems if you do it on your own:

Challenges Faced By Students While Doing CAD Assignments 

Due to its wide scope, CAD is gaining the attention of many students who wish to have a career in designing and engineering. Although learning. CAD makes a task easy but learning CAD has its own challenges.

Lack Of Knowledge Of Design Mathematics

Designing using CAD involves calculations as it needs to calculate various dimensions like length, breadth, height and weight. All this requires knowledge of mathematics. Students lacking mathematical skills find it difficult to design using CAD. 

CAD Software Is Complex

As the software advances to meet the changing needs, it gets more flexible and adaptable. But this makes it more complex. These complexities make the software more difficult for students to learn.

Analysis In-CAD

When a particular object is designed, it is important that we also know whether it serves the purpose for which it has been made. CAD software facilitates such testing. It also analyses the changes in the behaviour of such objects in a given situation. Students, however, find it difficult to execute this task. 

Demands Multiple Skill 

CAD is very demanding in terms of the skills it requires. A student Who wishes to learn to use CAD needs to have knowledge and skills in subjects like mathematics, geometry and Technology. Not all students may have skills in so many different subjects.

Not Knowing Hotkeys Of CAD Softwares

Students find it difficult to remember hotkeys. Due to this, they have to access the software interface in order to execute a particular command. The software interface is Complex and confusing. This makes the entire process lengthy and time-consuming.

Not Memorizing Commands In-CAD 

CAD programs such as AutoCAD and 3DS Max are having 1500 to 3000 commands. 

Every command has a particular effect on a design. But when You do not know the command and its effect, making desirable changes in the design becomes difficult.

Some Quick Tips For Doing CAD Assignments 

  1. Brush your mathematical and design skills, along with creativity. 
  2. Memorize the hotkeys and practice them.
  3. Learn about the commands and their results.
  4. There are many methods and dedicated software for analysis. Learn more about them and enhance your CAD analytical skills.


CAD is a vast subject/skill, mastering it requires a year of dedication and training. If you are facing a problem, then it is better to ask help from the experts; otherwise you may not complete the assignments within the stipulated deadline. High Quality Assignment Help has a team of dedicated CAD Software experts to help you submit your design software assignments for various software like CREO, AutoCAD, ANSYS, CATIA, Sold Works, and others at affordable rates as per your submission dates. Contact us now.

Typical Problems Faced In Doing CAD Software Assignments

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