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How to write the perfect essay

College essays can be really hard to write, especially without the proper essay writing assignment help. That’s why we at high quality assignment help bring you this post to help you flesh out the perfect college essay.

You need an interesting title and first sentence

You know how, when you meet a new person, you judge them by their appearance, handshake and the way they speak? If your essay was a person, your title and first sentence would be these parameters. So instead of having a generic title and a boring first sentence, try to make these two things as interesting as possible. These two are like the clickbait of your essay. If they’re good, you’re going to get more clicks. If they’re not good, you’ll lose traction before your reader has even tried to understand what you’re saying.

Your title

Try  using famous proverbs in your title. For example, if you’re writing an essay about overcoming a huge challenge that a lot of other people failed at, you could title it, “When the going gets tough: how I ____.”

Your first sentence

Use a quote in your first sentence. Find something that resonates with you, that shows your individuality (for example, rather than quoting Mahatma Gandhi, try quoting Aurobindo Gosh).

You could also make your first sentence something that completely throws the reader off, like, “Sarah was crying over the menu card!”

  1. Use big words properly

Using big words, especially in your college essay, is really helpful because it shows that you have a vocabulary, which means you’re probably well-read. The only caveat here is that you need to use them properly, or you risk sounding like an amateur.

Make sure you Google the meanings of any long words you use, and make sure you get someone like your English teacher to read your essay before you submit it.

  1. Avoid sounding generic

College essays are a platform for you to showcase why you’re unique. Why are you different from the other thousands of applicants that the college has to consider? It’s kind of like the college level equivalent of, “Why should we hire you?”

One way to show your uniqueness is to avoid sounding generic. And the best way to do that is to start your sentences with words that aren’t generic.

Generic words are words like, “this,” or “the,” or “however.” By avoiding these words and making sentences like, “Focusing on bending the spoon would do no good; one has to focus on realizing the truth,” you showcase how unique you are in comparison to other applicants who make sentences like, “The focus on bending spoons was useless.”

“Focusing” isn’t even a big word, but just by avoiding the cliché when you start your sentences, you sound much more unique.

  1. Don’t use words you don’t know how to use

This is common sense: you shouldn’t use words that you don’t know how to use. But I’m saying it just in case you got sucked into the vortex of crafting the perfect essay so much that you forgot this basic tip.

What every essay is about

Regardless of whether you’re trying to get an A in English class or applying to Harvard, your essay is about one thing, and one thing only: coming up with a question and answering that question.

Every essay you write should pose a question, develop a reasoning towards an answer, and then finally answer the question. Keep this in mind and you’ll easily start writing beautiful essays that can do more than just sit there and look pretty.

The formula for the perfect essay

Once you understand what your essay should be about, ie, answering the question, it’s time to get into the outlining process. This is really important, because without an outline to give you a framework to stick to, your essay will go all over the place, and nobody wants a splattered essay.

1. Your introduction paragraph is about two things:

  • Posing the question, and
  • Giving context: what prompts you to ask this question. Why should the reader care about this question?

2. Your body paragraphs are where you develop some kind of reasoning, some kind of logic, towards answering the question. You can have as many body paragraphs as your word count allows, but remember to change paragraphs when you introduce a new idea. Too many ideas stuffed into one paragraph can also undermine your essay.

3. Your concluding paragraph should answer the question, and either open up a new question, or talk about the implications of the answer to your question. Now, that might sound really confusing, so let me give you two examples:

  • You’re writing an essay about how genetic modifications of human beings can affect our lives. Then your concluding paragraph would answer the question of how the rich will be able to afford perfect, genetically modified babies. Next, it’ll talk about what this would mean for the already prevalent class divide in our society: because they have superior traits, these perfect babies would go on to become model citizens of the world and get richer, while the poorer people will continue to have normal children, and so the chances of these children becoming successful and climbing the social ladder decrease drastically.
  • You’re writing about how you overcome your fear of public speaking. Your concluding paragraph will answer the question of how you overcame this fear, and then talk about what implications this had for you. Were you able to join a club where you found like-minded friends? Did you win debates and get featured in your local newspaper as a good speaker?

Add a counter-argument

This is especially important if you’re presenting a solution to a problem, but it could also be used effectively for a personal essay.

A counter-argument has two advantages for you:

  1. It lets the reader know that you’re smart enough to understand that there’s another side to the argument.
  1. It lets you rip that piece of “but this…”apart with logic.

But while adding a counter-argument, you need to remember to be really really careful. You need to have a robust logical rebuttal to this counter-argument, or else you just dug your own grave, and you need to position this counter-argument strategically. The best place to put your counter-argument would be in the last body paragraph, right before you conclude your essay. 
Even with all of that useful advice, writing an essay can still be quite a daunting task. That’s why high quality assignment help has our online assignment writing help services to help you craft the perfect essay.

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